Health and social care integration act

The integration of health and social care is the Scottish Government's programme of reform to improve care and support for those who use health and social care services.

Integration aims to improve people’s lives by ensuring better care and support are available for people who live with long-term conditions and disabilities, many of whom are older people. It also aims to ensure that services are provided in a seamless and co-ordinated way.

Users of health and social care services can expect to be:

This will mean better outcomes for people, helping them enjoy better health and wellbeing in their homes and communities.

The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 sets out what the Scottish Government is aiming to achieve. It’s established a set of nationally agreed outcomes, which will apply across health and social care, and for which NHS boards and local authorities will be held jointly accountable.

It’s also put in place a set of integration planning principles which mean that services should be provided in a way, so far as possible, which: