CACI No. 4540. Contractor’s Damages for Breach of Construction Contract - Change Orders/ Extra Work

Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (2024 edition)


4540 . Contractor ’ s Damages for Breach of Construction

Contract - Change Orders/Extra Work

[ Name of plaintiff ] contends that [ name of defendant ] increased or changed

the scope of the [project/ describe construction pr oject, e.g., apartment

building ] beyond what was requir ed by the parties’ contract. If you find

that [ name of plaintiff ] is entitled to compensation for this extra work,

you may award damages to [ name of plaintiff ] based on [the agreed price

provided in the parties’ contract for/the reasonable value of] the extra

New December 2010

Directions for Use

This instruction should be used in an action by the contractor against the owner for

extra work that the owner required and that was not provided for in the contract. In

the last sentence, give the first alternative if there was evidence that the parties

agreed, in writing or otherwise, on compensation for the extra work. Otherwise give

the second option for the reasonable value of the work.

Under very limited circumstances, the contractor may obtain a “total-cost” recovery

for extra work, meaning that instead of proving the costs associated with all of the

changes, the contractor computes the total cost of the project and subtracts the

contract price. For an instruction on total-cost recovery , see CACI No. 4541,

Contractor ’ s Damages for Br each of Construction Contract - Change Or ders/Extra

W ork - T otal Cost Recovery .

Under other circumstances, the contractor may attempt to establish that the contract

was mutually abandoned and that the recovery should be in quantum meruit. For an

instruction on damages on abandonment, see CACI No. 4542, Contractor ’ s

Damages for Abandoned Construction Contract - Quantum Meruit Recovery .

For additional instructions on contract damages generally , see CACI No. 350 et seq.

in the Contracts series.

Sources and Authority

• “Extra work as used in connection with a building contract means work arising

outside of and entirely independent of the contract - something not required in

its performance, not contemplated by the parties, and not controlled by the

contract. Extra work may be performed by the contractor for the owner or by the

subcontractor for the general contractor , Where the extras are of a di fferent

character from the work called for in the contract and no price is agreed on for

extra work, their reasonable value may be recovered.” ( C. F . Bolster Co. v . J. C.

Boespflug Constr . Co. (1959) 167 Cal.App.2d 143, 151 [334 P .2d 247], internal

citations omitted.)


• “Whether a contractor is entitled to additional compensation for extra work

depends generally on the construction of the particular contract and whether it is

included in the contract price. The construction placed on the contract by the

parties is of great weight, and where they agree on additional compensation for

certain work it precludes a claim that the original contract requires the

performance of such work.” ( Frank T . Hickey , Inc. v . Los Angeles Jewish

Community Council (1954) 128 Cal.App.2d 676, 683 [276 P .2d 52].)

Secondary Sources

1 W itkin, Summary of California Law (1 1th ed. 2017) Contracts, § 939

1 California Construction Contracts, Defects, and Litigation (Cont.Ed.Bar) Ch. 5,

Private Contracts: Disputes and Remedies , §§ 5.49-5.50

1 California Construction Contracts, Defects, and Litigation (Cont.Ed.Bar) Ch. 6,

Public Contracts: Disputes and Remedies , §§ 6.70-6.73

2 California Construction Contracts, Defects, and Litigation (Cont.Ed.Bar) Ch. 9,

Handling Disputes During Construction , §§ 9.70-9.73

1 Stein, Construction Law , Ch. 4, Modification and T ermination of Construction

Contracts , ¶ 4.03 (Matthew Bender)

12 California Real Estate Law and Practice, Ch. 440, Construction Contract

Remedies , § 440.14 (Matthew Bender)

10 California Forms of Pleading and Practice, Ch. 104, Building Contracts , § 104.15

(Matthew Bender)

5 California Points and Authorities, Ch. 50, Contracts , § 50.40 (Matthew Bender)

Miller & Starr , California Real Estate 4th, §§ 27:61, 27:69 (Thomson Reuters)

Acret, California Construction Law Manual (6th ed.) § 7:71 (Thomson Reuters)

Bruner & O’Connor on Construction Law , § 4:16 (Thomson Reuters)


Page last reviewed May 2024

Kathryn Robb

Kathryn Robb, National Director of the Children’s Justice Campaign at Enough Abuse, discusses Vice President Kamala Harris’s unusual mention of child sexual abuse during her Democratic National Convention speech and its broader implications for addressing this issue in America.

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