Patent Rules: SOR/2019-251

Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 153, Number 14 Registration
SOR/2019-251 June 25, 2019 PATENT ACT P.C. 2019-917 June 22, 2019 Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Industry, pursuant to section 12 footnote a and subsection 20(18) of the Patent Act footnote b and section 12 footnote c of that Act as it read immediately before October 1, 1989, makes the annexed Patent Rules .


Patent Rules


1 Definitions 2 Clarification


Rules of General Application

Extension of Time
3 Time fixed by Rules 4 Time fixed by subsection 18(2) of Act 5 Prescribed days


6 Written communications to Commissioner 7 Postal address 8 One patent or application for patent per communication 9 Minimum content of written communications — applications 10 Manner of submitting documents, information or fees 11 Communication sent before general refusal 12 Acknowledgment by Commissioner

Presentation of Documents to Commissioner or Patent Office

13 Manner of submission 14 Layout 15 Documents not in English or French


16 Information respecting application for patent 17 Prescribed date — withdrawal of request for priority 18 Prescribed date — withdrawn application

Register of Patent Agents

19 Eligibility for qualifying examination 20 Establishment of Examining Board 21 Frequency of qualifying examination 22 Entry on register 23 Maintaining name on register 24 Reinstatement 25 Amendment of register

Appointment of Common Representative

26 Power of joint applicants to appoint common representative

Appointment of Patent Agents

27 Power to appoint patent agent 28 Power to appoint associate patent agent 29 Address 30 Patent agent by default — transfer 31 Notice requiring appointment of patent agent 32 Successor patent agent


33 Effect of act by common representative 34 Effect of act by patent agent 35 Effect of act by associate patent agent 36 Prosecuting or maintaining in effect application for patent 37 Procedure relating to patent 38 Clarification 39 Interview with officer or employee 40 Notice of disregarded communication 41 Notice of disregarded communication

Government-owned Patents

42 Notice to applicant 43 Inspection of defence-related application for patent

Presentation of Application for a Patent


44 Application fee 45 Late fee 46 Text in English or French 47 Page margins — description, claims and abstract 48 Line spacing 49 New page 50 Page numbering 51 No drawings 52 Identification of trademarks

53 Title and content
Inventors and Entitlement
54 Information on inventors
55 Inclusion of abstract
56 Contents, manner and order 57 No incorporation by reference
Sequence Listings
58 PCT sequence listing standard
59 Requirements
60 Form 61 Numbering of claims 62 No references to description or drawings 63 Dependent claim

Non-compliant Application for a Patent

64 Prescribed date — requirements not met 65 Notice 66 Prescribed date — application fee not paid

Reference to Previously Filed Application for a Patent

67 Prescribed period

Maintenance Fees — Application for a Patent

68 Prescribed fee 69 Dates 70 Late fee

Filing Date

71 Prescribed documents and information

Addition to Specification or Addition of Drawing

72 Notice of missing parts of application

Request for Priority

73 Requirements 74 Requirements 75 Withdrawal of request for priority 76 Notice to submit translation

Restoration of Right of Priority

77 Prescribed time 78 Divisional application — within 12 months

Request for Examination

79 Contents of request 80 Examination fee 81 Prescribed time — subsection 35(2) of Act 82 Late fee 83 Prescribed time — subsection 35(5) and paragraph 73(1)(e) of Act


84 Advancing examination 85 Notice — invention in foreign application 86 Notice — application found allowable by examiner 87 Basic fee of final fee

Divisional Applications

88 Definition of one invention 89 Requirements 90 Time for filing if original application refused 91 Clarification 92 Actions considered taken — divisional application

Deposit of Biological Material

93 Conditions 94 Inclusion of date of deposit of biological material 95 Request to furnish sample to independent expert 96 Nomination of independent expert 97 Form for submitting request 98 Person authorized to submit request

Amendment to Specification and Drawings

99 No amendment before submission of translation 100 No amendment after notice of allowance 101 No amendment after rejection 102 Amendment to specification or drawings 103 Prescribed Documents and information — divisional application


104 Error in name of applicant 105 Error in name of inventor 106 Error in name of applicant or inventor 107 Obvious error made by Commissioner 108 Obvious error made by re-examination board 109 Correction on request of patentee 110 Non-application of subsection 3(1) 111 Certificate

Maintaining Rights Accorded by a Patent

112 Prescribed fee 113 Prescribed Dates 114 Clarification 115 Late fee 116 Time — paragraph 46(5)(a) of Act 117 Additional prescribed fee


118 Form 119 Prescribed fee

Disclaimer of Any Part of a Patent

120 Form 121 Prescribed fee


122 Prescribed fee 123 Numbering of claims

Registration of Documents and Recording of Transfers

124 Related documents 125 Name change 126 Request to record transfer 127 Condition for recording transfer of application

Third party Rights

128 Period

Abuse of Rights Under Patents

129 Application fee 130 Time to deliver counter statement

Abandonment and Reinstatement

131 Time to reply 132 Application deemed abandoned 133 Prescribed time — request for reinstatement 134 Prescribed fee 135 Non-application of certain portions of subsection 73(3) of Act

Fees for Services

136 Fee for certified copies 137 Fee for non-certified copies 138 Fee for requesting information

Refund and Waiver of Fees

139 Refund of fees 140 Waiver of fee — request to correct errors


Patent Cooperation Treaty

141 Definitions

Application of Treaty

142 International applications

International Phase

143 Receiving Office 144 Application in English or French 145 International Searching Authority and International Preliminary Examining Authority 146 Fees payable in Canadian currency 147 Transmittal fee 148 Search fee 149 Additional fee 150 Preliminary examination fee 151 Additional fee

National Phase

152 Designated Office 153 Elected Office 154 Requirements 155 Application of Canadian legislation 156 Clarification 157 Application considered open to public inspection 158 Non-application of subsection 27(2) of Act 159 Non-application of certain provisions of Act 160 Non-application of section 78 of Act 161 Filing date 162 Filing date deemed to be within 12 months 163 Application considered not to be referred to in paragraph 28.2(1)(c) or (d) of Act 164 Patent not invalid


Transitional Provisions



165 Definitions 166 Reissued patents 167 Application of subsection 3(1)


Rules in Respect of Category 1 Applications

168 Non-application of certain provisions of these Rules 169 Application of certain provisions of former Rules 170 Reference to “the Act” 171 Final fee 172 Rejection for defects 173 No amendment after rejection 174 Reference 175 Reference to subsection 28.4(2) of Act and paragraph 93(1)(b) of these Rules 176 Additional fee for restoration of application


Rules in Respect of Category 2 Applications

177 Non-application of certain provisions of these Rules 178 Application of certain provisions of former Rules 179 Extension of time 180 Requirements for request for priority 181 Notice requiring application to be made accessible 182 Prescribed time — subsection 35(2) of Act 183 Exception to subsection 84(1) 184 Rejection for defects 185 No amendment after rejection 186 Documents and information — divisional application 187 Application deemed abandoned


Rules in Respect of Category 3 Applications

188 Non-application of certain provisions of these Rules 189 Application of section 26.1 of former Rules 190 Extension of time 191 Prescribed date — withdrawal of request for priority 192 Prescribed date — withdrawn application 193 Exception to subsection 50(1) 194 Exception to section 58 195 Requirements for request for priority 196 Notice requiring application to be made accessible 197 Prescribed time — subsection 35(2) of Act 198 Exception to subsection 84(1) 199 Rejection for defects 200 No amendment after rejection 201 Request to furnish sample to independent expert 202 Documents and information — divisional application 203 Application deemed abandoned 204 Refund of final fee


Rules Applicable to Certain Patents

205 Non-application of subsections 97(2) and (3) 206 Application of certain provisions of former Rules to patents granted on basis of category 1 application 207 Application of certain provisions of former Rules to patents granted on basis of category 3 application 208 Maintenance fee — patent 209 Patent not invalid


Other Rules

210 Exception — national phase entry date 211 Extension of period — section 208 212 Extension of period established by Commissioner 213 Extension of time fixed by former Rules 214 Communication sent before refusal 215 Documents not in English or French 216 Patent agent deemed to be appointed 217 Associate patent agent deemed to be appointed 218 Representation — application preceding coming-into-force date 219 Representation — patent granted before coming-into-force date 220 Representation — patent reissued before coming-into-force date 221 Representation — patent granted on or after coming-into-force date 222 Representation — patent reissued on or after coming-into-force date 223 Non-application of section 37 224 Small entity declaration for patent or application 225 Exception to section 54 — filing date before June 2, 2007 226 Exception to section 54 — filing date before October 1, 2010 227 Exception to section 54 — filing date before coming-into-force date 228 Clarification 229 Final fee paid before coming-into-force date 230 Notice of allowance considered not sent 231 Non-application of section 89 232 Periods referred to in section 128 233 Publication in Canadian Patent Office Record 234 Non-application of subparagraph 154(3)(a)(i) 235 Exception to section 162


Repeal and Coming into Force


Coming into Force

237 S.C. 2015, c. 36



Application for Reissue




Patent Rules
