Opportunity does not require an application!
To qualify for the Opportunity Scholarship as a Recent Graduate Learner:
To qualify for the Opportunity Scholarship as a Returning Learner:
*Please note that students with disabilities may qualify for reduced credit hour requirements and additional semesters of the scholarship.
If ALL the above requirements are NOT met a student is NOT eligible to receive the New Mexico Legislative Opportunity Scholarship. Only exceptional mitigating circumstances that are beyond the student's control and precluded the student from meeting the requirements during their Qualifying Semester can be considered and will require the submission of a Scholarship Petition with supporting documentation. See the section below about Regaining Eligibility for Opportunity.
To remain eligible to receive the Opportunity Scholarship a student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better.
Recent Graduate Learners must also meet the minimum requirements to maintain their Lottery Scholarship in order to remain eligible for the Lottery Scholarship; which includes fulltime enrollment and 30 credit hours by the end of the academic year.
Students with qualified disabilities who are registered with UNM’s Accessibility Resource Center may be approved to attend for less credit hours. All other Opportunity requirements remain the same.
Students can maintain full time enrollment by taking classes at multiple public New Mexico secondary educational institutions. The Opportunity Scholarship will be adjusted to pay tuition accrued at UNM and tuition accrued at the host school.
These must be submitted by end of the third week of the semester:
*Any disbursements after the add/dropp period for the applicable term, will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Scholarship Petitions: Students can also re-establish eligibility if an exceptional mitigating circumstance which precluded the student from completing the requirements exists. To do so, students MUST submit a Scholarship Petition with a personal statement explaining the mitigating circumstance. Supporting documentation must also be submitted.
Previously qualified students may be approved for a leave of absence for cooperative education, military obligations, participation in a study abroad program, or other exceptional mitigating circumstance. A Petition for Leave of Absence with supporting documentation must be submitted to UNM’s Student Financial Aid Office for consideration. Students will be emailed once a decision is made or if additional documentation is needed.
****NOTE: Information contained in this document is subject to change. All information pertaining to the NM Legislative Opportunity Success Scholarship is subject to Legislature change.****